College Performance

Placement Rate Methodology

Placement rates for the institution and its programs are calculated and submitted annually according to the rules of the Council on Occupational Education (COE). Placement for COE is considered a completer of a program who (1) is employed in the field of education pursued or in a related field, or (2) has received the appropriate credential and entered the military or continued his/her education. Valid employment in the field or a related field includes placement in a permanent full- or part-time position with an employer or employment agency, or self-employment in the field of education or a related field.

Completers that are unavailable for placement are excluded from this calculation.  Students may be considered unavailable for placement due to incarceration, pregnancy, serious health-related issues, caring for ill family members, death and refusing employment. Schools must provide documentation needed to show that the students failed to keep interviews, enrolled in programs for personal use, or refused jobs in their fields or related fields of study.