About the TCAT //

Information Technology Guidelines

Each computer user must review the policy and guidelines before operating any computer system. Compliance with this policy is necessary to ensure maximum utilization and performance of each computer system, as well as provide a sense of security and respectful cooperation. Strict adherence to this policy will prevent costly damage or repair, downtime, and/or loss of computer privileges. You may use a computer with prior approval of the supervising faculty member or other school official. No software can be copied without written authorization. No outside software can be loaded on TCAT Jackson computers without prior written approval. Changes to a system’s configuration or the inappropriate deleting or changing of computer settings is forbidden. Technical manuals must not be removed from the training area. Computers must not be moved or repositioned on tables. To prevent damage to any system, computer users should not eat or drink around computer equipment. 

Specific instructions for access to the Internet or Network: 

  •  The system may not be used for personal or private matters, including personal e-mail. 
  •  Creating, distributing, or accessing hate mail, pornographic or obscene material, discriminatory or harassing materials, or communications is strictly forbidden. 
  •  Anti-social behaviors, including spamming, are forbidden. 
  •  Creating, distributing, or accessing confidential material, including, but not limited to, test files or students/personnel records is forbidden. Any person who violates this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary sanctions, including dismissal and/or possible prosecution.